Affiliated to CBSE, Village School is a unique institution with a “SECULAR APPROACH” in education established and managed by WEB SIGN INFOTECH LLP



Affiliated to CBSE, Village School is a unique institution with a “SECULAR APPROACH” in education established and managed by WEB SIGN INFOTECH LLP.  This congregation, found in 1908 by servant of God, Bishop Thomas Kurialassery, pursues the spirit and charisma of its founder, besides being a great devotee of the Eucharistic Lord, he was a great educationalist and reformer of the society. He established many schools and colleges to meet the needs of the people of each locality.

Location: Chottupara P O, Thookkupalam, Idukki District, Kerala, Pin: 685 552

Telephone: +91 4868 297 390 | +91 4868 236 390


School Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 am – 03: 30 pm



Android Play Store

Apple App Store

Install Mobile app and Log in with your registered mobile number in the School.

For any help related to Mobile number updation, Mobile App installation  or Online fee payment, Chat with us in WhatsApp +919447900707

Mission & vision

Vijayamatha’s Mission Statement

Uplifting the people through proper education was deemed to be the great Service rendered and also the need of all times to human society. Our aim is to impart a sound education through a wide training which shall develop the character and personality of each pupil.

Our vision is to develop well rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. We will do this by providing a welcoming, happy, safe, and supportive learning environment in which everyone is equal and all achievements are celebrated.

A Word

From Our Principal

“Believing that “If everyone is moving together, then success takes care of itself,” the entire staffs of Vijayamatha Public School moves with a mission of providing its children with all possible facilities that help them in becoming good and successful human beings. We have always believed that “teach a child to experience and appreciate the real wonders of his country and the world; and you will teach him to grow the wings of ambition and soar like a falcon towards the skies with feet firmly planted in core Indian values.”

– Aneesh John

school info

Know More About Our School

School Affiliation

Vijayamatha Public School is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) New Delhi with Affiliation No:930435. The syllabi is as per the CBSE. We follow the textbook prescribed by the National Council of Educational Research and…

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 Training (N.C.E.R.T). The medium of instruction is English. But local language Malayalam and National language Hindi are also having equal importance.

School Curriculum

The curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content to be taught to a learner in the school. In empirical terms, it may be regarded as the sum total of a planned set of educational experiences provided to a learner by a school.

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It encompasses general objectives of learning, coursesof study, subject-wise instructional objectives and content, pedagogical practices and assessment guidelines. Thecurriculum provided by CBSE is based on National Curriculum Framework-2005 and seeks to provide opportunities for students to achieve excellence in learning

School Examination

The school conducts slip tests, Mid-Terms and /Terminal/Examinations. Reports of Mid-Term examination will be sent to the parents through the children. After the Terminal Examinations, parents are requested to come to the school to…

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sign the progress report and discuss with teachers their ward’s progress.

Promotion depends on the student’s performance in the annual and terminal examinations and on the assessment of other works and activities allotted to him/her throughout the year.

A minimum attendance of 85% is required for promotion.

Students absenting themselves from any examination or test will not be re-examined.

Pupil who fails twice in the same class will not be allowed to continue in the school.

Sports at Vijayamatha

As an opportunity to learn leadership everywhere we encourage sports and games in our school. Students develops the lessons of team spirit through sports and games. Here children can actively participate in a range of sports and…

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games such as cricket, football and other sports and games items which will develop their mental and physical ability. Students are participating in various sports and games meet every year. We have expert instructors for physical education.

Arts at Vijayamatha

Organ, Tabala, Guitar, Violin, Drawing and Painting, Music, Karate, Skating & Dance are the major co-curricular activities for which school is providing training. All students are supposed to join in any of these activities. Well qualified professionals ar…

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conducting training. All co-curricular activities are scheduled in the Friday afternoon.

Arts Club, Science Club, Quiz club, Nature Club, Sports club & Social Science club are well functioning in the school

School also conduct Picnics and Educational tours every year.

PTA at Vijayamatha

All parents are members of the Parent Teacher Association of the school. The aims and objectives of the association are: 1) To bring better understanding of the problems of the pupils, parents, teachers and to help to find solution. 2) To be in close touch with…

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the pupil’s progress, discipline, health, physical education, obedience to teachers, regularity in doing assignments etc. 3) To arrange meeting, seminars and cultural programmes for improving the relationship between parents, pupils and teachers. To raise funds for the specific purpose of school’s welfare. The Parent-Teacher Association is expected to meet periodically.

Our School

Facilities and Infrastructure

For quality teaching and learning activities, School provide best infrastructure facilities. School building has 3 sections, one for KG section, one for primary & secondary section and other for higher secondary section. Our aesthetically designed school building provide all necessary facilities.

Video Channel

Class Rooms & Technology

Class rooms are large, airy and well lit. All class rooms are well equipped. Class rooms space is flexible to suite different teaching methods.

18 Class rooms are equipped with state of the art Digital learning system from TEACH NEXT SOLUTIONS PVT LTD. Remaining class rooms will be equipped shortly.

Lab Facilities

Physics, Chemistry and Biology lab in the school are well equipped with most modern facilities. Science classes are conducted in the laboratories to provide better understanding of the subject.

Well equipped computer lab is functioning in our school. Facilities available in this lab are 1) Latest multimedia systems, 2) Flat colour monitor, 3) Individual headphones, 4) Optical mouse, 5) Broad band Internet connection and 6) UPS for system backup

School Library

School library provides thousands of books which include fiction and non-fiction books, children books, comics and student magazines. Library also has a section providing reference books related to all subjects. The school time table is designed specially to allow every student to visit the library regularly.

Play Ground Facilities

School has a large multi purpose ground inside the school campus providing 200 mtr athletic track, foot ball ground, volley ball ground and a basket ball ground. All school based sports and games meets are conducting in our own school ground.

School Bus Service

School provide transportation facility for all students and teachers. Fourteen (14) well maintained school buses are operating in various routes in the nearby towns and villages. School buses are operated by well trained and experienced bus staffs who will take care of the students.

Online Payments

Vijayamatha Public School is happy to announce the introduction of online payment of school fee through different online channels.

Now you can pay fees from School Mobile App using Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking, UPI etc. Bank transfer is also available.

School Mobile App

School mobile app is the best way to pay your child’s fees online. Mobile app is integrated with our School Management System and payments are updated instantly.

Bank Pay

If you are unable to install our Mobile app due to some reason; you can deposit Fees amount in our Bank Account and inform us to update in our payment data base.

Payment Support

If you need any assistance related to online payment, payment failure or need assistance to make a payment; contact us in our WhatsApp No: +919447900707



News & Announcements

Online Class

Online Classes started for all classes from LKG to CLASS 12. Get in touch with your Class teacher for more information regarding the same.

Book Distribution

Book distribution started. Books are available for all classes in the School on all days from 21-05-2020. Contact class teacher for more info.

Admission Going on

Admissions are open for Academic Year 2020-21 from LKG till Class 09. You can apply online or contact Vijayamatha Shool office.


After School programs


Years Established

Get In Touch

Location: Chottupara P O, Thookkupalam, Idukki District, Kerala, Pin: 685 552

Telephone: +91 4868 297 390 | +91 4868 236 390


School Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 am – 03: 30 pm